Lomi Lomi Massage panaji goa

About Lomi Lomi Massage

A Polynesian massage therapy treatment that originated in Hawaii, lomilomi is a holistic massage therapy system traditionally practiced by the islands’ healers or kahunas. Lomilomi utilizes medicinal plants, massage, breath exercises, and meditation. Lomilomi is also known as Hawaiian temple bodywork, temple style or traditional style lomilomi massage.

The varying massage therapy styles of lomilomi massage practiced today make up the clinical massage therapy form of the Hawaiian islands. Lomilomi has many health benefits and can cure or alleviate a wide range of ailments, injuries and conditions as well as the discomforts associated with general health imbalance. Benefits of lomilomi include:

Improves circulation and immune response.
Increases range of motion and flexibility.
Lowers blood pressure and slows heart rate.
Improves posture and speeds healing.

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